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Sexual Wellness

What Is Jelqing and Does It Work?

Fact Checked

Jelqing is a technique that men use to increase their penis size. But does it really work? Find out in this article.

Last Updated: 04/13/2023

Written by

Kimberly Wilkes

Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Paul Thompson, M.D.

Jelqing is a penis-stretching exercise that traces its roots back to the ancient Middle East. The term may have originated as two Persian words meaning “to masturbate” and “to strike, hit, or throb.” Don’t let that last part scare you—the technique doesn’t include any striking or hitting. It’s also not the same as masturbation, and you shouldn’t perform this technique when you’re having an erection.  

Some men who have posted videos on YouTube or posted comments in forums swear by the technique as a means to a larger penis and to increase penile length.1,2 

Others have achieved only lackluster results. 

But what does science say about jelqing? Does it really make you longer? And does it have any side effects? This blog post is going to answer those questions to help men decide whether jelqing is the best way to increase penis size.

What Is Jelqing?

Jelqing involves massaging and pulling penile tissues either with the fingers or with a special device. This stretches the skin, which leads to micro tears that thicken during the healing process. 

Proponents believe that when the tears heal, this makes the penis look larger and leads to better erectile function, possibly even helping with erectile dysfunction.3    

How Do You Jelq? 

Here’s how it works:

  • Use compresses, a warm washcloth, or a warm bath, which will help boost blood flow to blood vessels of the penis.

  • Apply lube to help the process go more smoothly.

  • Sit down or lean against a wall or table to stabilize yourself.

  • Make an OK sign with your thumb and index finger.

  • Insert the penis into this O shape formed by your index finger and thumb until the circle reaches the base of your penis.

  • Tighten the circle so that you feel a little pressure.

  • Gently but firmly stroke and tug downward from the base to the head, using your fingers and a light and consistent pressure. Reduce pressure once you reach the top and don’t venture past the shaft. Avoid the penis head (glans penis). 

  • Once at the head, bring your hand back to the base of your penis, switch hands, and repeat the process.

  • Maintain even pressure.

  • Only jelq a penis that’s flaccid or with a semi-erect penis. Never perform this technique while fully erect, which can lead to damage.  

  • Many men jelq for at least 5-10 minutes once or twice a day. Some only jelq 4-5 times per week.  

  •  If you become erect or feel pain, stop. 

Different Variations 

  • Dry Jelqing – Some men don’t use lubricant when doing this type of exercise because their penis holds blood better when it’s dry. But be forewarned that there is a risk of chafing tissue.

  • Lateral Jelqing – Men with curved penises use this technique to reduce the curvature. It’s done in the opposite direction of the curvature.

  • V-Jelqing – Instead of using an O grip that looks like an okay sign, you grasp the penis with the index and middle finger with the palm facing you. This forms a V. Men who use this technique want to increase girth.

  • One-Hand Jelqing – Instead of alternating with each hand, in this technique men use only one hand. 

How Long Does Jelqing Take To Increase Penis Size?

Quite honestly, it may not work at all. But if it is going to increase your penis length and girth how long would it take? 

Although there’s no scientific evidence to support an exact number, men who have successfully used this type of exercise have used it for at least 4-6 months. Some men have reported small benefits in 1-2 weeks, while others experienced small increases in penis length and girth after only a month. The best results will happen if you perform these exercises regularly. 

What Science Says About Jelqing

Although there’s some anecdotal evidence that jelqing works, men who are looking for scientific proof that it is a good means for increasing penile size won’t find any. 

The one study that was done on the subject included only seven subjects.4 PhalloGauge Medical, a company that sells penis extenders, performed the study in 2018. The men did 200 jelqing strokes daily for three months. The participants measured their penises throughout the trial. At the end of the study, there was an insignificant increase in penis size. Penile length increased by only .13 inches and width by .3 inches. The conclusion? Any improvement was minor, and jelqing was not a promising solution for penis enlargement. 

The problem is that enough studies simply haven’t been done to say whether it works or doesn’t. 

There have been studies conducted on a similar stretching technique using penile traction devices. This is not the same as jelqing, but it’s a similar concept. Here’s a recap of that research:

  • One review of studies found that a penile extender device worked as well as surgery to create a longer penis.5  

  • A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine concluded that penis extenders—when worn at least nine hours per day for three months—could increase penis length up to an inch.6  

  • Another review found that penile traction therapy only worked in treating Peyronie’s disease, a condition where men have penis curvature.7 These devices had no effect on length or thickness.

  •  A review looked at the effects of traction devices in men with Peyronie’s disease.8 This review found there was no effect on length or circumference.

Anecdotal Evidence This Penis-Stretching Exercise Works

Although there’s no scientific support for successful jelqing results, some men who have tried it say it works. Here are a few possible benefits, according to reports from men who have used the technique:

May Increase Penis Length and Girth

The main reason why men try jelqing is because they want bigger penises. Men have reported varying success rates with the technique. Proponents believe it works because the stroking leads to little tears in the penis tissue. The body repairs those tears by forming new tissue, which builds up over time to make you look larger.

Possibly Improve Erections   

Some men have found jelqing allows them to practice sexual self control due to the fact you can’t perform this exercise on an erect penis and the purpose of the exercise isn’t to orgasm. This may have some benefit for men with premature ejaculation and lead to better erection quality. 

However, some men have reported the opposite effect—jelqing actually caused them to experience premature ejaculation when this was never a problem before. 

Could Boost Blood Flow

Consistent jelqing may boost the flow of flood to the penis, although there’s no research to confirm this. Nevertheless, it is logical that as men rub their penises it encourages the flow of blood into the penis tissues. Healthy blood circulation is essential to strong erections.    

Side Effects of Jelqing

When performed properly, jelqing exercises can be safe, but it does have risks. It’s important not to squeeze too hard or to get too aggressive.

If you’re too rough, you might tear penile tissue. You can also hurt the ligaments that join your penis to your pelvis. 

The penile nerves are also sensitive to injury as is the penile vascular system. Erections happen in part due to the blood flowing into the vessels of the corpus cavernosum, spongy tissue that lines the penile shaft. The increased blood flow causes the corpus cavernosum to expand during sexual stimulation, leading to an erection. Jelqing can tear the small blood vessels in this area, leading to numbness and/or erectile dysfunction.  

Other side effects include:

  • Bruising

  • Swelling or itching

  • Pain along the shaft

  • Fibrous scar tissue from applying too much pressure

  • Irritated skin 

  • Ruptured vein

If you experience any of these side effects during or after performing the exercise, stop immediately and consult with your doctor. 

How To Reduce the Risk of Side Effects

Men can take certain precautions to reduce the risk of injury while jelqing. These include:

  • Make sure you’re not fully erect. Using this penis stretching technique on a flaccid member or one that’s no more than ⅔ of the way there is the safest way to go.

  • Applying light, mild pressure. This is the best way to reduce the likelihood you’ll have any side effects from this penis enlargement technique. 

  • Using lube. This can reduce friction and prevent scarring and irritated skin. 

  • Avoid jelqing too often—once or twice a day should be enough. 

  • Seek professional medical advice to determine whether this technique is the right choice for you. 

Do You Really Need To Increase Your Penis Size?

Before spending the time on jelqing and possibly putting your penis at risk of side effects, ask yourself if this is really going to improve your sexual appeal and if you really have a short penis. Porn and penis enlargement ads have caused many men to suffer from small penis anxiety when in reality their penile size is perfectly “normal” according to the average erect penis length. 

Unfortunately, feeling like you have a small penis can give you sexual performance anxiety and affect your sexual function. But your fears that you have a below average penis may be unfounded. 

If you think you’re too small, consider that one study found that the average length of an erect penis is 5.1 inches.9 Another study of more than 15,000 men found that the average flaccid length was 3.6 inches.10 When the penis was stretched or erect the average was 5.2 inches, while the average erect girth was 4.6 inches. So you might not be as far away from the average penis as you might think.

Scientists believe that only men whose penises are less than 1.6 to 2 inches long when flaccid or less than 3 inches when erect are candidates to increase penis size either through penis surgery or other methods.11,12 Only about 2.5% of men fall into that category of having a shortened penis.

Chances are good your partner doesn’t even care how big you are. ​​One internet survey of 52,031 heterosexual men and women found that 85% of the women were perfectly happy with their partners’ penis size.13  In that same survey, only 55% of the men were satisfied with their own penis size and 45% wished they were larger.

The sexiest thing you could probably do isn’t getting any bigger, but rather find out what turns on your partner. This will likely have more of an effect on your sexual function than the size of your member. 

Alternatives to Jelqing 

If you decide that you must have a bigger member but don’t want to try jelqing, here are some other strategies you can try:  

Penis Pumps

Some men use a pump—otherwise known as a vacuum device—to try to increase the length of their penis. But these devices are really intended as an ED treatment and promote stronger erections, not add length or girth. According to one study, using a penis pump three times per week for six months had no significant effect on length.14  

Penile Extender Device

Some evidence exists that traction devices, also called penis extender devices, can make the penis longer by stretching penile tissues. Take a look back earlier in this article to see the scientific support for and against using a traction device. As you will see, the evidence is mixed with some studies and reviews finding these stretching devices do increase length while others found they have no effect.     

Penis-Stretching Exercises 

These are slightly different from jelqing. They involve pulling the penis as you hold the head. Here’s an example of how one type of penile stretching exercise works:

  • Hold the penis head then pull upward. Keep it in this position for 10 seconds.

  • Gently tug the penis to the right and hold for 10 seconds.

  • Pull to the left and keep it there for 10 seconds.

  • Do this up to two times per day.

  • Avoid doing these exercises when you’re fully erect. Perform them when you’re flaccid or partially erect.

Unfortunately, science says manual penis-stretching exercises don’t work, but they can make you feel more comfortable with your body.15,16  

Penis Enlargement Surgery

This is the most invasive of enlargement methods and comes with risks. According to the Mayo Clinic, the research is mixed on whether it works or not.17 

Many doctors don’t recommend this surgery unless there’s something physically wrong, like a birth defect. But some surgeons are offering cosmetic enlargement, a procedure that’s controversial, comes with the risk of permanent damage, and may do more harm than good. Results are also underwhelming: At most, a flaccid penis may look as if it’s a half inch longer, but the surgery does not actually add length.

That’s not much of a gain for the many risks of this type of surgery including infection, loss of feeling and function, and scarring, so you’ll want to talk with your healthcare provider about whether this option is really a good idea for you.  

Three types of surgery are the most common:

  • Severing the penile suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone. The surgeon then moves skin from the abdomen to the penis shaft. Cutting this ligament leads to more of the penis hanging down, making it appear longer. That’s the good news. The bad news? Severing the suspensory ligament  means the penis might not have the support it needs when it’s erect.

  • Removing fat from one area of the body and injecting it into the shaft. This is meant to increase girth. This procedure can backfire since the body might reabsorb some of the injected fat, making it look irregular or curved. 

  • Grafting tissue onto the penile shaft to make it seem wider. Like the other types of surgery, there’s no proof this is effective or even safe and could lead to erectile dysfunction. 

Losing Weight

Fat around the belly can actually make your penis look smaller. So dropping the belly fat can make it look like you have a larger member. Losing weight can also give you more stamina and make you healthy overall, which is great for your sex life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jelqing 

What is jelqing and how does it work?

Jelqing is an exercise that involves inserting the penis into an O-shape made by your index finger and thumb (like an OK sign), tightening the circle, and then stroking and tugging from the base to the head. 

This is meant to stretch the penis skin to cause micro tears that thicken when they heal. Many men who have used this technique believe it can make the penis look larger.

Does jelqing work?

Some anecdotal reports suggest it may add ½ inch-3 inches to length and a half inch or more to circumference. 

Unfortunately, scientific support is lacking with only one small study investigating whether this technique works. That study found the technique didn’t do much to make the penis bigger. It increased length by only .13 inches and girth by only .3 inches. 

How long should a jelqing session last?

The advice on how long a session should last is all over the map.

Some recommendations are for one, 20-minute session per day while others suggest a few minutes once or twice a day. Other sources recommend 5- to 10-minute sessions, working your way up to more frequent and longer sessions. Experiment to see what works best for you. Men who have found it beneficial sometimes had to wait 4-6 months for it to work.   

Does Jelqing have side effects?

If you go about it gently without getting too aggressive, jelqing can be safe. But it does have potential risks. It can tear penile tissue or hurt the ligament joining the penis to the pubic bone. 

It can also damage nerves and tear the small vessels in and around the penis. This could cause reduced feeling and sensation and/or erectile dysfunction. 

Other side effects may include:

  • Bruising

  • Swelling or itching

  • Pain along the shaft

  • Scar tissue from applying too much pressure

  • Irritated skin 

  • Ruptured vein

If you experience any of these side effects, stop immediately and see your healthcare provider. 

What is the best way to make your penis look bigger? 

Men who want to boost the length and width have a number of options, but not all of them work well and some come with risks. Talk to your doctor about trying one of these options:

  • Jelqing has a lot of anecdotal evidence backing it up, but no scientific support.

  • Penis pumps and exercises to stretch the penis also lack scientific evidence that they can make a difference in length or width. 

  • The method with the greatest amount of scientific support is the use of traction devices, although not every study found they’re able to add size.  

  • Surgery is the most invasive option and comes with the most risks, including permanent damage. Plus, the surgery may only make a penis that’s flaccid look as if it’s a half-inch longer at the most and it doesn’t actually add any length.

  • The best method may be weight loss. Abdominal fat can hide part of the penis from view and make it look smaller. Getting rid of belly fat can reveal more of your penis so that it looks bigger. Plus, having a leaner body could give you more self-esteem, which can do wonders for your sex life.
